Thursday, August 7, 2014

Murderfang! The Newest Murder Train for the Wolves.

Brothers! It has been far too long since we last sat around the fire and I regaled you with tales and instruction. I apologize for my absence, but I have been in the Warp on a great hunt for our primarch. While my search for him was fruitless, I have come upon a fallen brother who is a great boon to our chapter and to our battle tactics. 

Murderfang is our new dreadnought brother in arms. He is a ravenous killer with no pity for those in front of him. At less than 150 points, Murderfang is a steal and should be welcomed into any list. I repeat, he is so good he might as well be a part of the force organization chart. You might as well consider that your force org will look like 2 HQs, 2 Troops, and 1 Elite named Murderfang. Murderfang will give you on average 8-10 attacks on the charge at strength 8 and with an AP of 2. He is a character so he is able to issue challenges. So stick him into a group of elite warriors and watch as he inhales them all into his gluttonous bowels. Yes, he is a dreadnought but for some reason he still eats. He will slice and dice most infantry models in close combat and will completely destroy ork meganobz with a few slices of his mighty claws. If you need a unit dead then Murderfang is the dread for you. He even comes with It Will Not Die; because he hates everyone. 

That’s right, he hates everyone. That right there is the sole reason to play Murderfang. His rules are good and placing him inside of a drop pod is a missile your opponent will have to deal with sooner rather than later. But the very fact that Murderfang hates everyone in the 40k universe makes him the most impartial man in the entire story. He hates xenos, he hates humans, hell, he even hates his own chapter so much that they have to literally put him on ice and freeze him after every battle so that he doesn’t go on a homicidal rampage through the hallowed halls of the Fang. His impartiality makes him the moral compass that all 40k players should emulate: treat everyone fairly and equally (with claws to the tender bits). 

Not only is Murderfang a great teacher of valuable lessons, but he also allows you to put on rocking good shows while playing this marvelous game. It is advised (heavily) that you player heavy metal while you play this character. In fact, it is almost required that his drop pod is all black with spikes on it to represent the blackness of his heart and the metal of his body. Murderfang embodies everything that is metal: being hardcore, murder, hatred, and a drive that does not allow him to quit. While playing Murderfang you need to be playing a metal song (I recommend Murder Train for the near identical sound and how accurate the song is to his play style) and for you to laugh at lesser wolves who field our brother with no music and darkness. 

So go forth Brothers! Field our newest battle brother and wreak havoc upon our foes.